Mediació i Comunicació (Mediation and Communication)
Eva García and guests / 10h-14h. / Ca ses Monges

At EiMa, we work to broaden the spectrum of possibilities for cultural agents in Mallorca. Therefore, we consider it essential to organize participatory workshops focused on promoting social integration, diversity and community cohesion through art and culture. We will discuss new forms of community interaction and participation.

With the aim of providing tools to strengthen their presence and impact in the community — essential tools in the construction of territorial identities — we offer agents who wish to participate a space for conversation with experts in cultural mediation and communication. This fosters collaboration and sustainable development in the performing arts.

Coordinated by Eva García (Comuart).

Speakers: Laura Marrero-Canarias, Es Far Cultural-Menorca, Miquel Costa-Formentera, Mia Cultura-Mallorca, EiMa-Mallorca, Eva García-Catalonia.

This event will take place over two days. We will meet one day beforehand to work on the concepts and discuss the issues together. The second day will be open to the public, inviting cultural agents and the general audience to participate and share.

We invite you to stay for lunch to exchange impressions with the speakers and the rest of the audience, and to share midday time before the performance “El Caos i Un Horitzó” by cia. Karbala, from 19h.