“Escriure la dansa (el per què de la crítica)” – Write the dance (the why of criticism).
Pep Ramón Cerdà, Mercedes L. Caballero and guests / 10h-14h. / Ca ses Monges - Capella

How do we embrace movement through words? How do we approach dance in journalistic genres? Does criticism still serve its purpose? We will address these and more questions about the exercise of words around bodily languages in a meeting of national and international professionals coordinated by Mercedes Caballero.

A view from journalistic criticism

We will address the rules, discourse and cultural contexts of criticism or review, along with concepts such as respect, knowledge and distance, all essential in the role of those who write and approach dance through words. In this exercise of criticism — where the ultimate goal is to explain to potential readers what they have seen (and especially what they have interpreted) on stage — the audience, the collective of spectators, plays a particularly significant role. Along these lines, this conference also presents itself as a place to question the functionality of criticism (does it still serve? In what ways?) to bring dance closer, position it and give it visibility.

This panel will be moderated by Pep Ramón Cerdà (professor and dramaturge), with the participation of Mercedes L. Caballero (CV), Andreu Gomila (El temps de les arts), Jean Marc Adolphe (Les Humanités), Oriol Puig (Núvol), Josep Mendiola, Rafa Gallego and Javier Matesanz from Mallorca.

The session will be followed by a lunch. We invite you to stay and continue the conversation.