Cia. Magdalena Garzón and accompanied by the Women’s Choir of the UIB / from 7 PM / Camp Deulosal - Es Pujolet

“Verònica” is a duet that incorporates the principles of composition inspired by ornamental flowering, as well as permutation, combination and discovery of its own unique signs. Drawing from the poetics of Mallorcan floral arrangements and embroidered tapestries, both of which freeze the passage of time, memories are unveiled and woven by the two dancers with the calm and patience characteristic of those who are in the moment, like older women. Verònica is a tribute to the immobile beauty of life.

Women’s Choir of the UIB

It is a group created during the academic year 2016-17 within the subsidiary choirs of the Coral Universitat de les Illes Balears, at the proposal of the Coral UIB singer Lidia Fernández, who is its principal director.
It is the latest vocal formation to join the subsidiary choirs of the Coral Universitat de les Illes Balears (Coral UIB): Corals Infantils de Joventuts Musicals de Palma, Cor de Pares i Mares de la UIB, Coral Juvenil de Joventuts Musicals de Palma, Orfeó Universitat de les Illes Balears, Cor de Mestres Cantaires de la UIB, Cor de Majors de la UIB, Cor de Dones de la UIB, and Poema Harmònic.
It encompasses female voices, most of whom sing in other groups within the choral family, and others who have been connected with the choirs of the UIB. The vocal work and the promotion of new repertoires for treble voices are the main objectives of the newly formed group.
It has participated in the concert season of the Orquestra Simfònica Illes Balears, with the Orquestra Lauseta, and at the 11th Antoni Martorell International Organ Week, among numerous concerts across the island of Mallorca and beyond. Notable is the tour they made in India, invited by the Vicenç Ferrer Foundation for the Mataombres project. It won second prize and the audience prize at the 1st Binissalem Choral Competition. In 2023, it participated in the 71st International Polyphonic Competition Guido d’Arezzo in Italy and the 18th International Music Festival Musiquem Lleida. It has performed works such as The Planets by G. Holst, Seven Part Songs by G. Holst, and *Song of the Universal* by O. Gjeilo, Messe basse by G. Fauré, among others.

Company Magdalena Garzón
The company Magdalena Garzon consolidated itself in 2016 with the creation of the piece "Verònica" for non-conventional theater spaces. Since 2011, however, she has honed her choreographic interest in the relationship between music and dance, creating pieces such as "Astres Mínims," "Hitzak," "MMatáforas cachées," "Saïdia," "Retaule en dues parts" and "Vetlla." "Altars profans" is the latest theatrical creation based on the photography of Toni Catany. Her poetics are defined, among other forms, by the notion of innovated tradition. Choreography: Magdalena Garzon / Performance: Carla Piris and Èlia Genís