Company Ertza / from 19h / Camp Deulosal - Es Pujolet


It is said that Westerners count time, measure it, buy it, sell it, plan it, and organize it; for us, it is a goal, independent of human beings, which we use to accomplish tasks, but we almost always feel it is lacking. In contrast, in Africa time is lived, possessed, and created; it is a subjective good inherent to human beings, which is inhabited and almost never lacking. The fact that we are born in a specific place in the world inevitably shapes our notion of time, and although nothing is immutable, we can hardly detach ourselves from this initial acquired notion. Time can be experienced in many ways, and one can even become its slave; however, what cannot be done is to deny it, and this holds true for every corner of the world. Dance, regardless of its origin, gendre, or condition, gives us the power to live time in an absolute present.

ERTZA was founded in 2004 under the direction of dancer and choreographer Asier Zabaleta, with the aim of creating a new space for choreographic creation that is free from constraints and conventions. It seeks to collaborate with artists from other disciplines and explore new languages of fusion between different dance styles. ERTZA's works raise questions about human and social contradictions, inviting the audience in a playful and aesthetic manner to reflect on current and pressing issues and to take an active stance towards what they are witnessing. Since its creation, ERTZA has presented its works in countries such as China, Philippines, Brazil, Peru, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Israel, Russia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Poland, Mozambique, Portugal and Spain.