“The Island” is the new show by guitarist and producer Carles Pérez “Miss Loopita”, which immerses the audience in a sonic universe of rhythms and textures performed live, where World Music and electronic elements coexist elegantly, with a fresh and eclectic approach.
Miss Loopita
from 19h / Camp Deulosal - Es Pujolet
Carles Pérez
"Miss Loopita" was born in 2018 from the research of guitarist and composer Carles Pérez, aiming to blend World Music with the atmospheres and rhythms of urban music genres such as Trip-Hop, Garage, Afro, Soul, Tropical, Hip-Hop, Reggae, among others. The project seeks to modernize traditional sounds and infuse electronic rhythms with musicality and soul. The presentation in "one-man-band" format utilizes loop technology (loopstation), adding a powerful and original stage performance. Artists such as Laura Martí, Sabina Bianchi, Catalina Olea, Rocío de Rolanda, and Kiki Laureant Orsini have collaborated in his performances.