Maya Triay / from 19h / Camp Deulosal - Es Pujolet

In the underwater world, enigmatic beings become captivated by the glow and fascination of their own reflection, descending into the depths of a grotto to honor the arrival of the great moon. What happened to the girls who dreamed of being mermaids?

A return to the intuitive and mystical, where we draw new expansive landscapes that do not follow a straight line, but flow, receive, create.

Maya Triay
(Palma, 1996) She is a dancer and creator. She studied the Professional Degree in Contemporary Dance at the Iwanson International School for Contemporary Dance in Munich. She spent a year with the Swiss company Cinevox Junior and in July 2018, she won the Jury Prize at the Young Choreographers Competition. In August 2018, she joined the Bialy Teatr Tanza in Warsaw under the artistic direction of Izadora Weiss. She has also worked for the theaters Opera Narodowa, Opera Kameralna and Opera Bialystok. Currently, she resides again in Mallorca, working on various projects. As a performer, she worked from 2020 to 2023 for Cia Baal at MiraMiró. In 2022, she developed the solo "Ella, regadera" (EiMa). In addition to continuing with the aforementioned projects, she is involved in research within the duo S’ALBUFERA alongside Mariona Jaume, which has resulted in their first trial titled "Trenta-set i mig" (Thirty-seven and a half). She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Professional Dance Association of the Balearic Islands. In addition to being a dancer and creator, she is a Vinyasa Yoga teacher.